First Mind Map: For my first mind map, I had a lot of troubling figuring out what my center idea would be. Everytime I would think of something I would get stuck and I would think I wasn’t going deep enough into the project. I decided it would be most beneficial for me to write about the characteristics I want to live by. I was hoping to achieve a greater understanding as to the kind of person I want to be and what I want other people to recognize in me. I struggled in the beginning to come up with a specific way to articulate my plan.
I started off naming the qualities that I thought were important in a fellow human being. After a while of naming off the important qualities such as “honesty” and “courage” and similar characteristics that I thought were most important, I started to loose track of my thoughts and I found it extremely hard to continue to list qualities. I took a twenty minute break and I added color and pictures that helped me sprout a few more ideas. I wrote these ideas coming off of the pictures I had drawn. I felt like overall, my mindmap was helpful for me to actually see on paper these qualities that I want to posses.
Second Mind Map: For the second mind map I decided to use the word courage, since it was the one quality I wanted to focus on. I realized after looking at the first map, courage was vague and in order to better understand it I wanted to list things that I believe are acts of courage or just courageous in general.
I started off flowing with words. I spent way too much time working on the details of a tree but it got my mind working and by the time I had finished drawing the branches I was full of inspiration. After about ten words I slowed down and started letting my brain spew out random words that I associated with courage. It was hard for me to let go and I found myself thinking too much about it. When I felt like there wasn’t possibly anymore I could write, I took a break and came back and started coloring and drawing more pictures. It helped me relax and I ended up coming up with so much more information it was hard to fit it all on the page. Once I finally was able to overcome my own control issues I was able to tap into my brain and make an entire
Conclusion: I discovered that even things that initially didn’t make sense to write down actually do have something to do with the subject. I guess our brains work in mysterious ways and I am very happy to have had this experience.
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